Figure 3

Postural Stability Induced by Supervised Physical Training may improve also Oxygen Cost of Exercise and Walking Capacity in Post-Menopause, Obese Women

Fernanda Velluzzi, Massimiliano Pau, Andrea Loviselli, Raffaele Milia, Daniela Lai, Daniele Concu, Gianmarco Angius, Abdallah Raweh, Andrea Fois and Alberto Concu*

Published: 09 January, 2017 | Volume 1 - Issue 1 | Pages: 001-011


Figure 3:

Box and whiskers plots represent the distribution of data assessed before (in) and after (out) the exercise training and concern blood systolic arterial pressure (SAP, 3A), blood diastolic arterial pressure (DAP, 3B), heart rate (HR, 3C) and oxygen pulse (OxP, 3D) assessed at the end of incremental cardiopulmonary test. An outlier mark is shown outside the whisker from 1st quartiles of SAPin. (*) With respect the in box: difference statistically significant.

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