Research Article
Published: 22 May, 2019 | Volume 3 - Issue 2 | Pages: 034-038
Study Design: Prospective Observational Study.
Background: Physical therapy is one of the primary treatment options for these patients, however, we were unable to identify previously published research that objectively assesses the impact of taping on joint range of motion or on pain levels in patients with SAIS. This gap in the literature motivated the present study.
Objectives: To describe the results of the application of neuromuscular taping in patients with subacromial impingement syndrome (SAIS), with respect to their pain levels, joint range of motion, and acromiohumeral distance, assessed via ultrasound.
Methods: A prospective series of cases was evaluated at the Hospital Italiano de Buenos Aires between April and September of 2018. Twenty-four patients from age 25 to 65 were invited to participate (9 men and 15 women), all of whom had been diagnosed with rotator cuff tendinopathy, impingement syndrome, or bursitis with positive signs of impingement in the affected shoulder and anterior shoulder pain in flexion.
Result: Significant changes in AHD (Figure 2), pain, and anterior flexion were registered after taping. Superficial dermatitis was detected in only two patients, but this did not affect the assessment.
Conclusion: In the results obtained by this study, it has been observed that the application of neuromuscular taping using the method described above significantly increases AHD, leading to short-term improvements in pain and joint range of motion.
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Subacromial; Physical therapy; Acromiohumeral distance; Goniometer; Ultrasound system
Figure 1
Figure 2
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